Thursday, September 10, 2009

Week1 Blog Posting Education Learning Remix #2- web2.0

Education Remix. Take the needle of the record (Sccratch!!) We have the tools lets use them ! Yes, I know there is administrative brick wall! That's why we invented hurdles or if your brave enough to use the pole vault or even better, let's have an open discussion. Design the presentation using web 2.0 applications. Clever yes but one most show by example. Most people say NO to something before they have a true understanding of what you really are talking about. So preparing and demonstrating web 2.0 tools to the local school board or school Administration should do the trick. Well of course there are constraints, but it is up to you to investigate what they are, surely you can be clever enough to work with in them and around then. But with this presentation use web 2.0 tools that the administration can use to be more efficient, effective and impressed. Show them that it will cost them nothing more than what there already spent. Yes, it's true the web 2.0 boat has sailed. But we have the capabilities of adding a motor and catching up to our new education remix. Our System has needed to be remixed for a long time we are long over due. We are in the state of losing our most valuable resource our learners. So how do we fight this up hill battle of change? We should follow our fearless leader's Clay Shirky and use the power of organizing without an organization. Sounds familiar ! You should check out Clay Shirky on he goes into great detail about change just by using social networking tools it is exponential in it's vaule and power.We as students of Full Sail University should start a change movement for technology in schools helping reshape the our Local, State and Federal government at least we have a thinking and compassionate President. Our focus is to explain Web 2.0 in a way that does not over whelm the general public. We need to educate them about the global competition that is real and happening now. We have to compete from a place of strength and that would be our young learners we need to open up the flood gates and let it flow add your constraints/filters because you will need some but not at the risk of our nations most valuable assets. So take the needle off the record and insert web 2.0 technology and future technologies so we can be a free people. So as you know your choices are infinite in the exponential sense of things lets unite the cause with Facebook, Myspace, twitter, blogging ,wikis, emails, etc. Otherwise we will have less people graduating. This young man graduated from law school class of 2009. Has already taken the bar he is prepared with tools to provide a real future he is Generation Y or the MTV generation that is peer oriented due to the facilitation of communication through technology. Youtube,Facebook,MySpace,Twitter, Ipod, IM,email,texting. What our next move?
Sites to visit:

Great books to read:
The tipping point: How little things can make a big difference. Malcolm Gladwell
Outliers Malcolm Gladwell

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