Monday, September 21, 2009

Week3 - Blog Posting #5 Social Media

This weeks video from TED: Gordon Brown : Wiring a web for a global good
This really pulled on my heart strings. I was that little girl who saw the cover of LIFE magazine on the coffee table. I was horrified then as I am every time I see it that picture of that little girl running naked away from the naplam bombings. I went a step further out of curiosity and opened the magazine to the article. I saw more pictures of people with naplam on them and thought to myself is this what the world is really like? Only if I had the technology of today to get other children and parents to stop the bombing of napalm. What a horrendous way to die or be tortured and survive and be severally maned for the rest of your life. That picture and one other of a missionary family that were hatched into pieces in Uganda in the Sixties also a LIFE Magazine expose. I stopped looking anymore because I felt powerless in what was happening in the world. With all the emotions that were stirred then, how fantastic it is to be able to have technological exponential power to use to A MAKE CHANGE that has such a powerful rippling effect. If we had the available technology back in the day, we could have stopped the Vietnam War and all the causalities of war a whole lot sooner.

"Wiring for a global good "is a great way introduce and show students that they have the power to effect change. That they are a part of the community, that they can make a difference.
To implement this in a lesson plan I would have them do research on the availability of drinking water in under-served countries we would as a class join an organization like "End Water Poverty". Have the students research what others have done and as a group analyze their findings, create pictures, poems, find pictures using creative commons, prepare a script and pa storyboard for their final piece then it into a video that becomes a part of a campaign awareness on "End Water Poverty"then post it to Youtube and the "End Water Poverty" website, blog and send a message out to all there friends with instructions to join a "End Water Poverty" Facebook group. Tell them to spread theEWP logo news to all their friends and family.
This is a initiative for all to get involved.!! Most importantly children because it's about children.

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