Friday, September 25, 2009

Week 4 Blog Posting # 8 Reflection on Blogging

I find it simply amazing how we communicate today... It is almost surreal. However it is what it is!
This generation will make a difference.
The applications are endless however the policy must change to implement the reality of this vast technology. Constraints should be included for the digital native so both sides can
come together. Educators should make the usage of technology an enriching experience in the learning environment. The projects that I find interesting and so do the digital natives is
digital story telling it is so natural for them to use the technology at hand. Videos shooting, the endless stories, the role-playing , the written stories,
the ability to bring it all together in this format of digital story telling. I do see trouble ahead using this format in K-12 so I will be using it in college level design course to be perfectly frank. I want to use
this technology in every in all it's mutations. Music is such a part of their world to be able to integrate this is powerful stuff. A wonderful way to keep project journals, collaborative projects for design. Webquests are a fabulous way to create an opportunity for learning a variety of subjects.
I have enjoyed blogging and bring videos and links to each of the blogs.
Quest Atlantis is also one of my favorite sites to have the digital learner to experience in an after school program so the parents would totally be on board at a grassroots level.
Totally leaving the brick and mortar behind. I am a member of Quest Atlantis and looking forward to being trained.

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